Thursday, August 2, 2007

02 August 2007 - Questions

Why do you think the director used the varied narrative techniqes?

- The director of Run Lola Run has basically done everything against general film techniques. I think he has used varied narative techniques to create emphasis towards the setting and also to make the the film different than the general movie that would normally only use straight forward techniques. Nearly everything done in this film is different.

What do you think of the style he created?

- I think that the style created in this film, although different, is quite effective and fits into the setting and storyline of the film. Syles used in this film are quite different to the general styles and techniques used in films.

1 Narrative technique used within this film is the repeated storyline. The storyline within the film is repeated three times however each repetition the actions of Lola change slightly - changing her FATE at the end of the storyline. Within each repetition the characters recall what happened in the previous, helping them to a positive outcome in the end.

1 comment:

Mrs C said...

As you rightly say, nearly everything he does is quite different.